It’s a common question especially as there is so much negativety and fear regarding this mystical art. But the short answer is no, Tarot isn’t evil. Tarot cards are just that, pieces of cardboard with pictures printed on them. Some of the pictures can be pretty, some can be scary, but just like money they are neither good or bad. It all depends on the person who is weilding them. And yes I know there are some youtube/websites that harp on about Tarot being the tool of the devil but I was raised a good Catholic girl, I am 100% a light worker who helps people all over the world, so I can say catagorically that Tarot is simply a tool and most light workers I know use it to connect to their guardian angels in order to bring hope and guidence to those who need it. I reguarly run workshops to teach people this useful skill and have written an ebook and accompnaying video on everything you need to about the history of Tarot, how to do readings and a demonstation video to guide you on this new and exciting skill.